Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Keeping ourselves safe

These are tips for staying safe on the internet!


Jethro said...

How to stay safe on the Internet?

. Only go on websites that you know
.If you feel scared or funny exit the website that you are on.
.If you are getting cyber bullied tell an adult
. Only have face book if you know who you are talking to and if your over 13 years old.
. Don't meet anybody on the Internet
. Make all of your pictures and comments private
.If someone wants to meet up they could lie and pretend there someone else

Marcayla said...


Don't meet people on the internet.

Only use websites you know.

pictures should be private/Only for friends

Don't give Out details/Tell an adult.

Only chat to people you know.

you should be 13 an over to go on Facebook .

Tell an adult if you are being Cyber bullied.

Ask parennts/adults for premission.

Only talk about private stuff to your friends

Don't tell details about your self to people.

amelia said...


. People lie on facebook and the internet.

. Only chat to people you know.

. Do not talk or chat to people who lie to you.

. You have to be over 13 years old to go on facebook.

. Do not lie to people who you know.

amelia said...


. People lie on facebook and the internet.

. Only chat to people you know.

. Do not talk or chat to people who lie to you.

. You have to be over 13 years old to go on facebook.

. Do not lie to people who you know.

claudia and Jenna said...

How we can stay safe on the internet

You can only be 13 years old to have your own face book

Pictures should be private -only for friends or family members

Ask parents/adutls for permission

Do not chat to pepole online because they could say they are a girl but they are a boy.

Do not post things that you do not want other people to see.

tell a adult if you do not fell safe on this website

Do not put you details on pepoles

If you own a face book remember to make it private

Do not go on youtube with out asking a pert/auld because there are some yuck and grose.Not senabel for yong kids.

If you have ever wached bran and bobby you will popley now a pit more T.A.R means t means think a means ask and r means rember.

you can stay really really safe by not talking to pepole online.

Ashley Selley said...

How can we stay safe on the internet

You can stay safe by not talking to people you do not know

You need to be 13 or over to have your own face book.

If someone dose something that you do not like tell a person or an adult stragh away our it will stay on there for every.
If you make a face book you shourld mark it

privateour you will have people will put
jocks on it.

also do not pot your detayels on the internet people willlie to you and say that there will be the same things that you like.

do not go on you tube because there can be things that kids are not alowed to linsin to.

but If you go on you turb and tip in bran and bobby it will teach you all about this.

on brin and bobby it will tell you about t.a.r t is for think a is for ask and r is for rember.

if somethink that you are not shore about shate the lide if it is on a lap top our tern the computer off ather wize tell the teach if you are at school our you can tell your mum our dad.