Sunday, March 20, 2011

My fantastic weekend

In the fantastic weekend Bloggitt and I went to cricket. Bloggitt and I had a big feast before I played cricket. 
After that Bloggitt and I had to go home because we had to help mum with the cake for my birthday at the swimming pool.  Bloggitt and I scoffed all of the cake down.  I chose an ice-cream cake.  
At 2pm Thomas, Bloggitt and I went to the Ashhurst school pool for my party. We had fizzy drinks and all sorts  of stuff. My baby cousin, Mark my uncle, Kilie my aunty and Catelyn and Oliva are my cousins came to my party .Bloggitt got left at reception. 
We had to go on a bike ride and that is were we took the photos. Bloggitt and I had super fun.  
By Jenna


Anonymous said...

I think Bloggitt liked the icing on the cake. He also liked eating chips at Lonestar on Friday night.

Unknown said...

I hope you had a lovely day


Anonymous said...

hey guys you have such a cool blog and bloggitt is so cute and is it fun having my brother as your teacher
by chantelle

carter said...

you a cool

erin said...

I like your coment carter! By erin.

dominic said...

Isnt that fun

claudia said...

hi chantelle love the stoy you rit by claudia

Anonymous said...

thank you guys

ashley.s said...

it did look fun in your weekend

carter said...

yon a cool

? said...

yon a cool

Ben,s Blog is the best in the number 1 world said...

have fun with blogit

Tom said...

Hi Jenna. You're birthday party was really cool. I liked the food and that bike ride was fun and it was awesome riding super fast through the puddles. I hope you're doing well at school. CHOICE!!!!

trevarn said...

You must have goon extremely hipow after that party!